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The names on the walls


Limburg 1940-1945,
Main Menu

  1. People
  2. Events/ Backgrounds
  3. Resistance groups
  4. Cities & Towns
  5. Concentration Camps
  6. Valkenburg 1940-1945
  7. Lessons from the resistance


Our database currently contains 755 people. Of these, 68 are women, including 26 women resisters. This does not mean that the war did not take place for women in Limburg. In Valkenburg, for example, we hardly see any difference between the number of female (19) and male (25) victims of the Shoah.
Below you will find the number of people who played a role in the war per group or location.

  1. Groups of Persons
  2. Places

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Groups of Persons

tot. %
6868100 %
“Aussenministerium”200 %
BS (Domestic Forces)1800 %
Communists & Sympathizers5024 %
The outskirts of Limburg5512 %
Local contacts1800 %
Dutch-Paris200 %
Engelandvaarders1400 %
Secret Army (B)2428 %
Groep Dresen1100 %
Erkens Group1218 %
Group Smit1200 %
Aid to Jews49714 %
Intelligence3700 %
Jews in resistance900 %
Knokploegen (K.P.)4800 %
Couriers of the Resistance21838 %
Netwerk Bongaerts500 %
NV300 %
Aid to People in Hiding L.O.187147 %
Underground Press10755 %
Unorganized resistance4624 %
Raad van Verzet (RVV)1000 %
Women in the resistance2626100 %
Peace Carillon900 %
Initial resistance9922 %
White Brigade (Belgium)300 %
Zwarte Plak1100 %
Ambtenaren1915 %
April-Mei-stakingen, 19431100 %
Mayors400 %
Crisis Controle Dienst (CCD)400 %
The clergy4425 %
Forced Labor9611 %
Artists300 %
People in hiding1232117 %
Ordedienst (O.D.)3713 %
Police2900 %
Studenten3500 %
743th Tank Bat200 %
Allied soldiers6000 %
Hell on Wheels400 %
Jews864047 %
Members of the US American forces1400 %
National Socialists1218 %
Dutch Soldiers2800 %
Old Hickory700 %
Survivors993131 %
RAF1800 %