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Pierre Schunck in the family tree
„One didn’t decide to join the resistance“ Interview with Pierre Schunck
Resistance and liberation in Valkenburg
Farewell to a resistance man by „Harry” (Th. Goossen), Heerlen



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In order to give you an impression of this page, it is translated by a machine. Because the human needs more time. Come back later, if you can’t understand this translation.

Pierre was the eldest son, but not the successor of his father. He was director of the steam laundry in Valkenburg. That company, the Dutch NV Stoomwasscherij, 82) located on the Plenkert in Houthem, was founded in 1904 by Pierre Cloot in Heerlen 83). The energy was generated by a portable. In 1909, Pierre owner (at age 3? Here swaps the author PJA Schunck with his father, Peter Josef Schunck. Pierre was director on behalf of his father in the thirties. Arnold Schunck ), while Leo Cloot as director acted 84). That year, the company expanded and became the Locomobile replaced by a steam engine and an electric motor 85). The role of a certain J. Imink to Elden is not clear. It seems that he had something to do with the laundry 86). In 1910 NG Brey as the agent listed. He was still active in 1914 87). Apparently things went well. In 1913, staff requested, namely a nanny and ironing esters 88). Pierre interfered only with family matters for the sake of continuity and unity, but did not the cheese of bread 89).
Pierre Schunck did around 1950 recall that the stable collection of Arnold after his death was stored in the attic, along with the old loom. This attic was also named the relics attic. Access was allowed to nobody, except widow Schunck. At the start of Pierre’s study on the textile school he visited with his mother in the attic and found the steel and the loom under a thick layer of dust. In 1926, after his study, Pierre wanted the loom operation and the stable collection organized. The books which were given to the paper and the loom was cut into counter trays. The warp, the reed and shafts had gone to the ragman. Apparently there was additional warehouse space was needed. It was beyond Peter Schunck and his mother went to .... They were kept unaware of those events 90).
After the laundry in Valkenburg, Maastricht Pierre had the Men’s and children’s magazine Schunck Jr..CV, located on the Muntstraat, which apparently was run in 1970 91).

At Pierre Schunck is elsewhere on this site discussed in detail. See the beginning of this page. Not mentioned is the clothing factory »Schunck’s Kledingindustrie Bonaire« (1948-1954). Goto the article of my sister, Christine Schunck with te same name, english translation:'s Kledingindustrie Bonaire

82) In 2002 the inscription can still be read as vague mural on the house. Some Citizens of Valkenbug informed me that the brewery was owned the property by now and it would possibly be demolished. To what extent this story is based on fact is unknown to me.
(That's right indeed. Na de wasserij is er jarenlang een manège geweest. Toen die zijn poorten sloot, is de belendende bierbrouwerij De Leeuw eigenaar geworden. Intussen is het vuur op 3 maart 1912 de sloophamer te vlug af geweest. Het gebouw, waarin plastic kratten en houtpellets waren opgeslagen, brandde volledig uit. Arnold Schunck)
83) Invnr. 424
84) Invnr. 427
85) Invnr. 427
86) Invnr. 695
82) Invnrs. 695, 700
88) Invnr. 432
89) Invnrs. 9, 11, 41, 56.
90) Invnr. 670
91) Inv. No 22 Pierre had the exclusive right to name Schunck, given by his father, which he was allowed to stay in Maastricht that name enter