Jacob Hüskens (Jacob Heinrich)
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Jacob Heinrich Hüskens is not (yet?) listed on a wall of the chapel.

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Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Jacob Hüskens
(Jacob Heinrich)

 06-08-1906 Rheindahlen      04-11-1944 KZ Solingen (38)
- Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Haelen - Forced Labor -

Het Grote Gebod – L.O.

    Born in Rheindahlen near Mönchen-Gladbach (Germany). He was a motorist and member of the LO in Horn. [1][2]
    Horn was initially independent and belonged to Haelen from 1991-2007. Now they belong together to the municipality of Leudal, west of Roermond.
    Jacob Hüskens was arrested by the Green Police on October 8th, 1944, during a church raid [1][6] and taken to Germany for forced labor.
    On the church raids, see the section Between Maas and Peel
    What kind of work he had to do in Germany is not known. He probably died in a bombing raid on Solingen. [3#3]
    Solingen is an important industrial town between Cologne and the Ruhr area. [2]
    It was therefore heavily bombed by the Allies. It was the time of the "total war" [4]: Even the civilian population was not spared, in the hope that they would shake off the Nazi yoke. This did not work.
    The German Wikipedia reports on the bombing of Solingen in those days:
    In the largest air raids of November 4 and 5, 1944, almost the entire city center was destroyed. On November 4, 170 British planes dropped their bombs over Solingen within 18 minutes. The following day, 165 British bombers again attacked the Solingen inner city area with explosive and incendiary bombs. In addition to around 1700 Solingen residents, 150 forced laborers were also killed in these attacks. On February 16, 1945, a targeted bombing raid was carried out on the Rautenbach armaments company. At the end of World War II in 1945, Solingen counted more than 5000 dead. [5]
    The Documentation Group 40-45 writes: Perished in the Solingen camp on November 4, 1944. [7] There was no concentration camp in Solingen, so it could only have been a labor camp.

    Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?


    1. lo-lkp.nl Het grote gebod, I De Landelijke organisatie voor hulp aan Onderduikers, Limburg, drs. L.E.M.A van Hommerich, p. 327
    2. OpenStreetMap • HornSolingen
    3. Archief Oorlogsgravenstichting, Dossier Jacob Hüskens • #3
    4. Totaler Krieg, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançaisPortuguês
    5. Wikipedia D Geschichte der Stadt Solingen,
      Die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus
    6. Oorlogsgravenstichting.nl
    7. http://database.documentatiegroep40-45.nl/details2.php?ID=8546