Bèr Reulen (Albert)
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Albert Reulen is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
right wall, row 09 #05

Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Bèr Reulen

 12-11-1916 Roermond      10-06-1944 Overveen (27)
- Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Pilots’ helpers - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Roermond -


    Albert Reulen was a butcher and factory worker, involved in the resistance groups Ordedienst (OD), Landelijke Organisatie voor Hulp aan Onderduikers (LO) and the KP (knokploegen, armed groups) of Roermond and later of Alkmaar, behause Reulen and J.P.H. Frencken moved their area of operations to North Holland in January 1944. [1]
    Reulen was arrested on 22 May 1944 in Amsterdam and executed in the dunes after his imprisonment in the Weteringschans prison in Overveen. [2]
    Report of the Higher SS and Police Chief ‘Nordwest’: The Police Court has sentenced the following Dutchmen to death: Factory worker Albert Reulen from Roermond and welder Jacobus Frenken from Maasniel. The convicts had participated as members of a terrorist group in the armed robberies of the town hall in Haelen on February 13, 1944, the town hall in Venhuizen on March 18, 1944, and the town hall in Heiloo on May 12, 1944. Food coupons, money, forms for identity cards and other things were stolen in quite large numbers. During the raid on the town hall in Venhuizen, one of the perpetrators shot at the resisting police officer. Thus the convicts are guilty of participation in a clandestine organization, continued sabotage and unauthorized possession of firearms. [3]
    Buried in the municipal cemetery Kapel in ’t Zand, Roermond, grave I-C-28. [7]
    Decorations: Kruis van Verdienste (Dutch Cross of Merit), Eisenhower certificate for assistance to downed airmen. [4]
    His name is on the war memorial in Roermond [4], the resistance memorial in Maasniel [6] and the resistance memorial of the province of Limburg, see above right.


    1. Dr. F. Cammaert, Het Verborgen Front – Geschiedenis van de georganiseerde illegaliteit in de provincie Limburg tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Doctorale scriptie 1994, Groningen
      7, II.2. De knokploegen van Helden en Roermond, p. 767-768.
    2. WO2 Biografieën Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen
    3. Gevallenen Roermond – Achtergrond verhalen
    4. wo2slachtoffers.nl biogr. Reulen, Albertus
    5. Oorlogsmonument Roermond
    6. 4en5mei.nl Maasniel verzetsmonument
    7. Oorlogsgravenstichting.nl