Robert Regout (Robert Hubert Willem)
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Robert Hubert Willem Regout is not (yet?) listed on a wall of the chapel.

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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Robert Regout
(Robert Hubert Willem)

 18-01-1896 Maastricht      28-12-1942 Dachau (46)
- Initial resistance - The clergy - Maastricht -


    Robert Regout belonged to a wealthy family from Maastricht. [1]
    He was a Jesuit and legal scholar. In 1934, he received his doctorate from the University of Nijmegen on the doctrine of “just war”. From 1939 he was an associate professor of international law there. During the occupation, he provided information everywhere on the constraints of international law to which any occupying power had to adhere, e.g., in a June 1940 article De rechtstoestand in bezet gebied (The Legal Situation in Occupied Territory) on the Hague Land Warfare Regulations, original text see link below. [2]
    He was feared by the occupiers for his attitude, agitation, and expertise, and was arrested at the beginning of July 1940. [3]
    It was the first phase of the occupation: the Nazis were still wearing their friendly masks in the hope that they could win the Dutch “brother people” over to the side of National Socialism. The universities were not closed until 1943. But Regout destroyed their fairy tale, so he had to disappear.
    Dachau concentration camp near Munich was the first large concentration camp run by the SS. More political prisoners were murdered there than in any other camp. [4]
    You can find his In Memoriam card on the list of resistance members at [5]
    See also his biographies. [6]
    Robert Hubert Willem ( Robert ) Regout is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [7]


    1. familie Regout, Wikipedia • Nederlands
    2. Wikipedia • Haags LandoorlogreglementHaager Landkriegsordnung
      Original text • Convention concernant les lois et coutumes de la guerre sur terre de La Haye du 29 juillet 1899. Original, Deutsch & Français. • Hague Land Warfare RegulationsConvenção relativa às leis e costumes das guerras terrestres, Haia (Países Baixos), 29 de julho de 1899
    3. Stefan Vrancken, Artikel Achteraf gezien: De tachtigste sterfdag van Robert Regout (1896-1942) in De Maasgouw 2023-1 p.40
    4. KZ Dachau, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançaisPortuguês
    5. Pater Robert Regout s.j.
    6. 1. www.robertregout.nlNederlandsFrançaisEnglish
      2. Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglish
    7. Erelijst 1940-1945