Mathieu Ummels (Mathias Hubertus)
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Mathias Hubertus Ummels is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
central wall, row 15 #02

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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Mathieu Ummels
(Mathias Hubertus)

 17-07-1907 Geulle      06-05-1945 Sandbostel /Neuengamme (37)
- Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Forced Labor - Maastricht -

Het Grote Gebod – L.O.

    Mathieu Ummels was one year older than his brother Giel Ummels and he was a butcher too. [1#15]
    He was arrested on May 10, 1944, as a result of the betrayal by Gonnie Zeguers-Boere, one day after his brother.
    The website of the Neuengamme Digital Memorial states about him:
    Was seen in the sick bay of the concentration camp of Sandbostel (a subcamp of Neuengamme) on May 1, 1945. He is said to have been taken by the US Army in a transport of about 650 people, presumably to hospitals in France. [2]
    There you will also find another photo of Mathieu and some details about his imprisonment history: he was in Camp Vught until September 5, 1944, from September 6, 1944 to October 16, 1944 in Sachsenhausen (Oranienburg), where he worked in the Henkel factory, then in Neuengamme and Sandbostel. It is also said that he died in the (by then liberated) Sandbostel camp. [2]
    On January 2, 1959, the OGS asked Mathieu’s sister for help in providing data on her brother, as efforts were being made in cooperation with the French exhumation mission to identify Dutch nationals. [1#9]
    This appears to have been unsuccessful, as the OGS website also states the place of death as: Kdo. Sandbostel, Neuengamme [5]
    There is a stumbling stone in front of the house at Nieuwstraat 17, Maastricht, in memory of Mathieu. [3]
    You can find out more about the Sandbostel concentration camp on Wikipedia. [4]


    1. Archief Oorlogsgravenstichting (@ Nationaal archief),
      Dossier Mathieu Ummels • #9#15
    2. Digitaal Monument Neuengamme + foto
    3. Struikelsteentje (Stolperstein) Nieuwstraat 17, 6211-CR Maastricht.
    4. Stammlager XB, Sandbostel, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançais