Dirk Hage (Dirk Izak)
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Dirk Izak Hage is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
central wall, row 17

Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Dirk Hage
(Dirk Izak)

 17-02-1909 Dreischor      03-04-1943 Neuengamme (34)
- Underground Press - Initial resistance - Groep Dresen - Maastricht -

    After his demobilization as a soldier in 1940, Dirk Hage became a customs officer with the rank of hulpkommies and found some like-minded people in the Caberg (Maastricht) customs office. He was to play such an important role in the Dresen group that it is also called the Dresen-Hage group. He bought through L.F.R. Spierings from Rekem (Belgium) a spirit duplicator [1] by means of which leaflets were produced. Initially, the device switched between Dresen, Hage and Bartels, after that it stood in the presbytery in Geulle at Droitcourt. Hage took the lead in setting up a Maastricht version of the "Oranje Post," a clandestine information bulletin. [2]
    He was arrested on December 1, 1941. The entire group was rounded up by treachery in those days. [2]
    He was imprisoned in Polizeiliches Durchgangslager Amersfoort and was transported from there to Neuengamme between October 30 and November 11, 1942. [3]
    He is listed on the memorial in the State Tax Office in Maastricht. [4]
    Dirk Izak ( Dirk ) Hage is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [5]


    1. Wikipedia • StencilmachineMatrizendruckerSpirit duplicatorDuplicateur à alcoolDuplicador a álcool
    2. Dr. F. Cammaert, Het Verborgen Front – Geschiedenis van de georganiseerde illegaliteit in de provincie Limburg tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Doctorale scriptie 1994, Groningen
      2. De eerste militair-civiele verzetsformaties, p.103, p.117
    3. 4en5mei.nl Maastricht, monument in het rijksbelastingkantoor
    4. Digitaal Monument Neuengamme Dirk Izak Hage
    5. Erelijst 1940-1945
    6. Oorlogsgravenstichting.nl