Mathieu Speetjens (Joannes Hubertus Matheus)
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Joannes Hubertus Matheus Speetjens is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
left wall, row 37 #03

Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Mathieu Speetjens
(Joannes Hubertus Matheus)

 08-06-1919 Margraten      05-03-1945 Mauthausen (25)
- Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Ambtenaren - Aid to Jews - Margraten - Heer -

Het Grote Gebod – L.O.

    Mathieu Speetjens was originally a baker [1#22], later a company inspector at the government agency LCO (or Agricultural Crisis Organization) [1#1] and an aid worker to Jews. [2]
    The municipality of Margraten wrote in a reply form to the OGS:
    Person involved worked in the resistance group Heer (L.) [1#2]
    On we read, that he was a farmhand. That was probably another phase of his life. It says there in addition:
    Lived at ’t Rooth in Margraten, he and his two brothers did small jobs for the Belgian resistance group the Witte Bende (White Gang). He brought people in hiding to their secret, new addresses and provided false food stamps. In July 1944, he was captured during a meeting with the group in Maastricht. He died in Mauthausen. After the war, his parents built an altar at ’t Rooth and he “posthumously” had yet another daughter. [3]

    Cammaert writes in his chapter on the L.O., that he was arrested in July 1944 in Heer by the SD as a result of treason by the hoofdwachtmeester van politie (police sergeant major), A.B. Reuten. [2]

    A brother received a letter on December 13, 1961 from the French Ministère des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre (Ministry for Former Combatants and Victims of War) saying:
    He arrived at Mauthausen on February 16, 1945, coming from Sachsenhausen, and was registered under number 130,158, death on 5-3-1945 in the Sanitätslager (camp infirmary) [1#22]
    The OGS informed him, that his remains were probably interred the large mass grave behind the camp, containing 12000 dead. This mass grave was not opened by the French mission. [1#23]
    Joannes Hubertus Matheus ( Mathieu ) Speetjens is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [4]


    1. Archief Oorlogsgravenstichting (@ Nationaal archief),
      Dossier Joannes Hubertus Matheus Speetjens • #1#2#22#23
    2. Dr. F. Cammaert, Het Verborgen Front – Geschiedenis van de georganiseerde illegaliteit in de provincie Limburg tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Doctorale scriptie 1994, Groningen
      6. De Landelijke Organisatie voor hulp aan onderduikers • VIII-IX, p. 653
    3. ’t Rooth 24, Margraten (voor de kapel)
    4. Erelijst 1940-1945