Frits /Fritz Goldsteen
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Frits /Fritz Goldsteen is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
left wall, row 31 #03

Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Frits /Fritz Goldsteen

 09-07-1918 Rheydt (D)      15-08-1942 Oświęcim /Auschwitz (24)
- - Initial resistance - Maastricht -

Maastrichtse Gevelstenen

    After their marriage, the parents of Fritz Goldsteen moved to Kohlscheid near Aachen, where they opened a fabric store. The children Alfred [1] and Carl were born there. In 1909 or 1910 the family moved to Rheydt, where Fritz was born in 1918. In 1919 they sold the store and took a long vacation to recover from the flu pandemic. In 1920 they moved to Arndstrasse 30 in Aachen. [2]
    They moved to Vaals in 1926. [3]
    Frits lived as a student in The Hague and with his brother Alfred in (nearby) Voorburg. He completed an instruction as a radio technician at the school of Radio Holland. From December 1937 he lived for several periods with his mother, first in Tunnelstraat 2 and later in Raadhuislaan 13 in Geleen. In 1940 he lived with his fiancée Elfriede Gans in The Hague, but returned to Limburg for the wedding. They married on May 8, 1941, in Vaals, where Elfriede’s mother lived, and subsequently settled at Annastraat 24 in Geleen. That same month, Frits opened Radio Technisch Bureau F. Goldsteen, a repair shop and trade in radio parts and radios. In October 1941, their daughter Carolina was born in the Annastraat. On March 12, 1942, Frits had to close his store by order of the German occupiers; as a Jew, he was not allowed to build radios. He then found a job with a company that worked for the state-owned coal mine Maurits. [4]
    During the war, he moved from Geleen to Maastricht and built radio transmitters for the resistance.
    Arrested on May 15  [5], or on May 19, 1942 [4], or on July 20, 1942, he was part of the group arrested in retaliation for unknown persons removing signs reading No entry for Jews. It is not clear whether the Germans knew of his resistance activities. Goldsteen was deported to Auschwitz with one of the first transports (July 16th). [6]
    Frits /Fritz Goldsteen is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [7]


    1. Alfred Goldsteen
    6. Herman van Rens Vervolgd in Limburg p. 105
    7. Erelijst 1940-1945