Jef Partouns (Jozef Jean Gerard)
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Jozef Jean Gerard Partouns is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
left wall, row 08 #03

Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Jef Partouns
(Jozef Jean Gerard)

 03-01-1911 Eijsden      08-02-1945 Vaihingen (34)
- Eijsden - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Intelligence -

    Jef Partouns was a laboratory assistant. Jean Arpots, Jef Partouns, and Jef Reintjens were three young men, one of whom worked for the Dutch railways. The three called themselves the Orange Triangle. They wrote down all the details about the rail traffic and passed the data to the town clerk Hubert Smeets, who typed them on cigarette papers in the town hall. Arrested in Eijsden on 05-11-1942. [1]
    Imprisoned in the "Nacht und Nebel" [2.1] camp of Natzweiler-Struthof (Alsace)
    He died in Vaihingen concentration camp. This was used from December 1, 1944 as a central “SS infirmary and recreation camp” for other concentration camps in southwestern Germany, included Alsace. This name served to disguise the extermination function of the camp, because the victims, who were no longer fit for work, were left to fend for themselves with completely inadequate food and without any medical care. [2.2]

    Places of Remembrance:
    Monument of the Fallen Resistance Fighters in Vroenhof, Eijsden. [3.1]
    Stolperstein (stumbling stone) Jozef-Partounsstraat 4, Eijsden. [3.2]
    Jozef Jean Gerard ( Jef ) Partouns is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [4]


    1. Dr. F. Cammaert, Het Verborgen Front – Geschiedenis van de georganiseerde illegaliteit in de provincie Limburg tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Doctorale scriptie 1994, Groningen
      2. De eerste militair-civiele verzetsformaties, p. 78
    2. 1. Nacht und Nebel, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançaisEspañol
      2a. Vaihingen, Website • Geschichte des LagersHistory of the CampL’histoire du camp
      2b. Vaihingen Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançais
    3. 1. Monument der gevallen verzetslieden in Vroenhof, Eijsden
      2. Stolperstein Jozef-Partounsstraat 4, Eijsden
    4. Erelijst 1940-1945